Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Writing Retreat and Residency Wish List

Lately I've been planning on dreaming about doing a writers retreat or residency. While it's enticing to think about, I have a full time job, a husband and a daughter that I can't just abandon to spend a week or month hidden away, writing and learning about writing. *Sigh* A girl can dream though, right?

But just because I can't attend one of these events, that doesn't mean you can't! Then I can live vicariously through you.

Let's talk first about the difference between a Retreat and a Residency:

Retreats are a cross between a Residency and a Conference. Typically you're in a setting that is conducive to writing. Peaceful, gorgeous, quiet, the envy of every single one of your busy, overworked friends. Friends that will probably hate you when you post pictures of your surroundings.

*Looks pointedly over glasses at Twitter friends that do retreats*

Other than the perfect setting, you'll also typically interact with speakers who teach you more about your writing, be it promotion, marketing, plotting, character development etc. This is actually why I'm drawn to retreats, because it is time to focus on and develop certain parts of my writing with the guidance of a professional who most certainly knows more than I do on the subject. And getting to do it all surrounded by peace and quiet instead of with an angry toddler who's hit the biting phase? Yes, please!

Residencies on the other hand do not offer coaching sessions like the retreats. Residencies are usually 1 week to 3 months of seclusion in one of those gorgeous locations I talked about, to just write. I think I would go nuts after 1 month of seclusion, but time alone with my thoughts and my writing sounds like absolute bliss. Can you imagine being able to write day in and day out without distraction, surrounded by absolute beauty? Amazing.

In all honesty, I'd probably go nuts after 2 or 3 nights away from my grumpy little toddler and my husband. I've never been away from them for more than a day. They drive me nuts, but I love them to the moon and back. :)

So, while I'll probably never attend one of these (you totally should) here are some of my dream retreats and Residencies.


Schull, Co Cork, IRELAND
Georgian House overlooking Schull Harbour in West Cork, Ireland. (This is Ireland. My dream. I'm there.)

Wellspring House: A Retreat for Writers and Artists by Preston Browning
Location: Ashfield, MA 

The Porches
Norwood, VA


Ucross Foundation
Northeastern Wyoming

Martha's Vineyard Writers Residency (Yes, I'm a wine-o)
Edgartown, Massachusetts

Jack Kerouac Writer in Residence Project
Orlando, FL (uhhh 3 months in Florida - no brainer)

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Today's Random Ramblings

I have loved writing from the time I could hold a crayon between my chubby little fingers. Oftentimes I still get an awkward sideways glance when I mention I'm writing a novel. (Why people think this is not a "normal" pastime, I'm still not sure.) My comment is nearly always followed by a question that I love to answer, "What is your book about?" 

I proceed to recant my synopsis and watch people get heavily intrigued by the story and delve into all sorts of questions. (Questions that actually have helped me flesh out the finer details of my story) THAT. That is why I love to write. Storytelling is amazing to me. I love immersing myself in stories that I just want to bundle myself up in and never leave it's world. I also love creating that story for others who devour stories, as I do.

Currently, I'm so close to finishing the first draft of this novel (Uh, by the way, no one ever told me how frustrating the first draft of a novel can be - coming from short story writing), that I can't help but mention to anyone who will listen at at every opportunity that I'm writing a book. I HAVE to talk about it. I get giddy when I think I can get a mention in about it and act like a 5 year old with a secret.

It's actually starting to get embarrassing. Speaking of embarrassing, maybe I should write a post about how strange it feels to promote myself. I mean, I want people to know about me and my writing. I want people to read what I write. I want people to like what I write (meaning they have to read it to like it). So people need to know who I am and that I write. But self promotion feels weird. It just does. 

Well, until I've situated my thoughts on feeling odd about self promotion, I'm outta here. My one year old beckons. And by beckons, I mean she's trying to rip our cats tail off. Later Gator.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I'm a terrible blogger. But I DO write.

I am AWFUL about updating my blog, and I promise I will try to make it up to you all. It's been a busy six months since I last updated. My little lady turned one year old, we bought our first home, I started a new day job as a laboratory supervisor, oh... and I've nearly finished the book!!!

I'm happy to report that I've set a deadline finally for finishing the first draft of this manuscript! Actually, the deadline is exactly one year after my first blog post on here, April 22nd, 2015. I find that if I don't set deadlines for myself, the stuff just doesn't get done. Period. Life happens, it gets in the way and ruins all plans that involve novel writing. I'm actually taking a bit of time off of work to really give myself the time I need to really push through to the end.

After that it's all about editing, which I'm hoping to have done by July. Then it's on to submitting to literary agents. 

Which brings me to my sadness for today. Today is #PitMad day on Twitter and as much as I would fear for my pride while ADORE pitching to all the agents scouring twitter for the next big deal, I shan't. There is no way my manuscript is polished enough to show to anyone, let alone people who hold the keys to the future of this book. So I will sit here reading all of the awesome -and a few odd ball- pitches for a while longer and then it is back to work. Edit edit and edit some more!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Oh the joys of time. Or lack of it.

Well, it's been a hot minute since I've written anything here. Good news is, I've written plenty for the book in that time so all is not wasted.

I've been a busy little bee this last month. I've been searching for, buying, and renovating our new house! (New to us, anyway. She's 114 years old!) It's been a very exciting month for us. I've also gotten some down time in to write, leaving almost no time at all to update!

I've started taking a new approach to how I write. I wasn't able to get new stuff written. I just kept going back and editing. I was getting nowhere, fast. I decided to try a timer. Every night when my little one goes to sleep I set a timer for one hour and I do nothing but write new material in a blank word doc. When the timer goes off I copy and paste this into Scrivener. I use the rest of my, hard to be found, free time throughout the day to edit. I'm a little OCD so there's no stopping me from editing a bit as I go. This way though, I'm able to satisfy my editing itch and still get more of the story written. So far it's working for me so I'm gunna stick with it.

So, that's what's new in my world. With the new house, writing has taken a bit of a backseat but I'm be back in the full swing of things by the end of july. I promise. ;)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Oh hell. I swear I didn't forget.

I know it's been forever since I last posted. The last two weeks have been epically busy. I'm still in college and I just finished up my spring semester. Studying for 6 finals trumped blogging. Sorry friends.

I have managed to work on my writing in my spare time. You know, all that time I had between drooling on my text books and smashing my face into a keyboard as I tried to cram as much knowledge into my brain as possible all while taking care of my daughter and working at the job that actually pays me.

Despite everything that has been getting in the way of The Book, I've done some serious work on the story line as well as adding two new characters. I love being able to get these scenes down on paper and I finally FINALLY have the time.

We'll that's all I've got for now. I'm about to go eat some delicious chicken enchiladas.

Ttfn. :)

Friday, May 2, 2014

Time. Where do I find this crap?

Where in the world do people find the time to sit peacefully and write?

I have a baby, a husband, school, and a day job. Where the heck do I find the time?

I sneak it. I steal it. I hide it.

I need that time. Some people don't understand why it's so important to me, but they don't write. If you do, you know that the story will drive you insane if you don't get it out.

My husband disc golfs. He is obsessed. Every week he sets aside time from family and work to hit a course. We decided I would take the summer off of school so that I could be home more AND so that I could set aside at least one day a week to work on my writing.

Oh if you don't have the luxury of being a full time writer, you know how wonderful that time is. And if you're a parent on top of that, you'll know that time is the absolute most precious commodity. One day a week to just get it out is miraculous.

But for me, it isn't enough. So I stay up after my daughter goes to bed. I wake up as early as possible to get a little in before she wakes up. In every free moment, I write. And the more I write, the more time I want because I don't want to sacrifice any time with my family but I want to write. It's such a difficult balancing act but I do my best. I do my best, I sacrifice sleep, because I love to write.

So how do you find the time? What do you sacrifice for that time?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Well, Hell. Autocorrect and Fight Scenes.

I just realized that the spelling in my last post was AWFUL! That's what I get for using swipe on my phone while trying to also feed my daughter. FAIL. I went back and fixed the typos, though!

So I actually got in some awesome writing today. I'm still working on my skills with fight scenes. Those are so awkward for me to write, but I managed to pump out a really good one, I think.

I got about a half a chapter written today, all of which was a fight scene. I've been avoiding writing for a couple days because I was so intimidated by it. So I spent every waking moment of the last three days thinking about how to write it down. And I mean every moment. In the shower, while I was changing diapers, while I did the dishes, while I was pinning a yummy chicken enchilada recipe on Pinterest, etc..

But it's done! It's on paper! And I didn't edit it until I was done writing it all down. Progress.

The deeper I get into this story the more difficult it's becoming to write it down. Some of this stuff is really brutal. Can YA be brutal? Is that legit? Well, I'd like to push the limits and go ahead and say, yes, yes it can be.

Gotta run! Ttfn!