Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Oh the joys of time. Or lack of it.

Well, it's been a hot minute since I've written anything here. Good news is, I've written plenty for the book in that time so all is not wasted.

I've been a busy little bee this last month. I've been searching for, buying, and renovating our new house! (New to us, anyway. She's 114 years old!) It's been a very exciting month for us. I've also gotten some down time in to write, leaving almost no time at all to update!

I've started taking a new approach to how I write. I wasn't able to get new stuff written. I just kept going back and editing. I was getting nowhere, fast. I decided to try a timer. Every night when my little one goes to sleep I set a timer for one hour and I do nothing but write new material in a blank word doc. When the timer goes off I copy and paste this into Scrivener. I use the rest of my, hard to be found, free time throughout the day to edit. I'm a little OCD so there's no stopping me from editing a bit as I go. This way though, I'm able to satisfy my editing itch and still get more of the story written. So far it's working for me so I'm gunna stick with it.

So, that's what's new in my world. With the new house, writing has taken a bit of a backseat but I'm be back in the full swing of things by the end of july. I promise. ;)

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